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    MCQ Test

    Class: VII Time: 1 hour

    Sub: English F.M: 50

    Fill in the blanks

    a. It ___ ___yesterday evening.

    b. Deepak or Deepti ___the conference room each week.

    c. The market has been functional ___2010.

    d. Mr.Goplan ___his daughter up from school at 4:30 every day.

    e. I am not as tall as ____.

    f. Prices have been rising ___than the income.

    g. It was his birthday ____we decided to buy him a present.

    h. Have you put ____ salt in the soup?

    i. Rupa is crying. She ____her exam.

    j. I haven’t ridden a bike ____ages.

    k. He jumps____the pond.

    l. Everyone ___silent in the room.

    m. This dress is ____than that.

    n. _____Sun rises in the East.

    o. Everyone ____decided to go to Puri.

    p. The phone __while I was cooking dinner.

    q. How long ___a social activist?

    r. We ___ each other for a long time.

    s. I ___ well for the exam, yet I failed.

    t. Archane was a _____.

    u. Cher Ami was a _____.
    [radio blank21 id:blank21 use_label_element default:0 "a) pigeon"b) tiger"]
    v. The picture was ____.

    w. Cher Ami helped to ____the battle.

    x. Athena was the ____

    y. Radhika belonged to the ____family.

      MCQ Test

      Class: VII Time: 1 hour

      Sub: Mathematics F.M: 50

      Choose the correct option :-

      1.Write 3 integers succeeding -9

      2.Write a fraction equivalent to 7/12 with denominator 60.

      3.What should be added to 40.152 to get 63.952 ?

      4.Subtract :- 11/13 from -18/13 18/13 from

      5.Simplify :- 32 x 104

      6.Add :- 3p, 9q and 6q

      7.11% of a number is 44. Find the number.

      8.Give oneexample from your daily life of a cuboid

      9.Find the perimeter of a square whose area is 1764cm²

      10.Find the mean of first six multiples of 3.

      11.A coin is tossed 1000 times with the following frequencies : Head = 455, Tail = 545 Calculate the probability of getting a head

      12.After spending 75% of his monthly income, a man saves Rs 5000 every month. Find his monthly income.

      13.Find the selling price of an article for which cost price is Rs 750 and gain is 8%.

      14.Find the whole quantity if : 15% of it is Rs 1800

      15.Jagdish got 64% marks out of 750. How many more marks are needed to secure 80%?

      16.Find the median of the values 14,18, 15, 20, 35, 25, 30, 16, 32

      17.Find the diameter of a circle whose circumference is 132 m.

      18.Two poles, 13m and 18m high stand upright on a playground. If their feet are 12m apart, find the distance between their tops.

      19.Solve :- 3(x – 1 ) + 2( 2x + 3) = 7

      20.The sum of three consecutive integers is 48. Find the integers.

      21.What number must be added to each term of the ratio 7:12 to make it 2:3?

      22.By selling a chair for Rs 1080, a trader gains 20%. Find the cost price of the chair.

      23.Find the mode of the following data :- 12, 11, 15, 13, 18, 11, 13, 12, 13

      24.Evaluate :- 12 + 16 ÷ 2 – 1 x 6

      25.Add:- 2x + 3y + 4z and 5x + 3y + 6z